Emergency Lights Installation and Testing

Emergency Lights Installation from £29.00 per point

What exactly are Emergency Lights?

Emergency lights play an important role in any situation where determining the best way out of a building is critical. For instance, during a fire, a gas leak, or a power failure during the night.
Specifically these lights can actually be the difference between death and life. Because the activated glowing lights assist people towards a safe route. Moreover they aid in the reducing panic and anxiety when an emergency evacuation procedures is in progress.
It is possibly that the main power for the building may go out during an emergency. It can be either because of water infiltration or fire, these flashers run off their inbuilt batteries hence, maintaining their illumination and lighting the way to safety. Henceforth, these lights are necessary to install, in order to comply with building regulations. These must be tested regularly for the safety of the building’s occupants. The number of hazard lights in a facility is determined at the time of construction. Still, it is critical to have your building’s emergency flashers checked and logged if an investigation is needed.
Illuminated EXIT signs are typically found in office spaces and escape routes leading to an exit to get outside the dangerous building.
These can include specially installed lights that look identical to all other lights or special signage, such as exit signs over entryways.
Emergency lights can also highlight the provision of firefighting and safety equipment during a crisis.
Fire exit emergency lighting | Property Checks

Illuminated exit signs | Property Checks

How do you obtain an Emergency Lights Testing Certificate?

Property Checks make it simple and quick to have your building’s hazard lights checked and certified regularly.

Our technicians will undergo a comprehensive inspection to identify all units that do not meet the required standard. They will also outline the necessary maintenance required along with any shortfalls in order to keep your employees safe and any potential lawsuits at bay. With your permission, they will take the necessary steps to ensure your building is compliant.

Moreover, our technicians are involved in replacement when an inspection reveals a flaw in your emergency system. 

Contact us today or request a quote online in order to begin your journey of understanding the need for emergency lighting in your property.