EPC Certificate (Residential Properties)

Domestic Energy Performance Certificate EPC from £70

Why is a residential Energy Performance Certificate EPC required?

An energy performance certificate (EPC) provides the energy rating of a property to the landlord or tenant.

The energy efficiency rating scale for a property ranges from A (best) to G (worst).

Property buyers and sellers must have an EPC certificate valid for ten years. Before leasing a property, landlords must obtain an EPC certificate to ensure energy efficiency.

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What are the advantages of an EPC Certificate?

An EPC certificate has the advantage of highlighting areas with high energy consumption. Landlords can then precisely target areas to help tenants save money by increasing the energy efficiency score. EPCs will also show a tenant the best properties to rent from an energy efficiency perspective.

How to Obtain an EPC in London

Property Checks is authorised to issue energy efficiency certificates for residential and commercial properties.

To determine your EPC rating, our dedicated team of EPC consultants evaluate several criteria set by legal parameters. In a friendly and professional manner, we work with property owners to explain the processes and outcomes of an EPC certificate.

To learn about our services or talk to one of our dedicated energy performance analysts, please contact us or book online.

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