Gas Safety Certificate (Commercial Properties)

Commercial Gas Safety Certificate CP42 from £199

Commercial gas safety certificate legal requirements

As long as you are the lender, your renters’ safety is your responsibility.
because the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 identify landlords’ obligations to guarantee the safety of gas appliances, fixtures, and ventilation systems. The regulation protects both commercial tenants as well as private. Equipment, fixtures, and flues in common areas that renters may use are also included.

You are additionally responsible for the upkeep and repair of exhausts, appliances, and pipework supplied by a Gas Safe registered engineer for your renters’ use. Although there is no time limit to fulfil these responsibilities, the responsible thing would be to carry out regular, yearly maintenance checks and eventual repairs.

Chiefly, landlords are responsible to make sure that a Gas Safe Registered engineer performs an annual gas safety check within one year of installing new equipment or ventilation systems. Regular yearly checks after that are also the responsibility of the landlord. Moreover, he should keep records of the safety check for two years and provide a copy to each current renter within 28 days of the check’s completion and any new residents before they move in.

Furthermore, under the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) (Amendment) Regulations 2018, the annual gas safety check on each appliance or flue can be performed up to two months before the inspection date. Still, the original deadline date will be retained as if the check was performed precisely 12 months after the previous check.

Gas Safety Checks Residential | Property Checks

Gas Safety Certificate Checklist

  • Do you own a building, or are you an occupant of a building?
  • Do you have a boiler for heating or hot water in your building?
  • Do you have a boiler maintenance schedule?
  • Has your boiler been tested in the last year?

Contact Property Checks

When we visit your property, we take pride in being able to prioritise the legal requirements and your concern.

All anomalies will be highlighted for you as the customer, and a suggested list of corrective actions. Our goal is to leave your property legally compliant.

In order to book our qualified engineer for maintenance or your yearly test, please contact us or make an online reservation. Our expert technicians operate across Harrow, Wembley and wider London.

Gas Safety Inspection | Property Checks

Commercial Gas Safety Checks | Property Checks

What Property Checks do:

  • Visual examination of all of your gas equipment.
  • All pipes and outlets, including exhaust and flues, must be inspected.
  • All vents should be inspected to reduce fire risk.
  • Check that the equipment is working correctly and following the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • During our visit, please be courteous and respectful.
  • We will submit a clear and concise conclusion to the visit, including necessary corrective actions.